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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Stepping into Spring

2nd Mar 2022

Today we started our new topic of Living Things, and what better place to start our investigation other than our school grounds and local community walkway. 
We will be focussing on growth and changes in plants, animals and humans over the coming weeks and more. 
On our walk we saw signs of growth and new life in the plant world. We heard the birds singing in the trees as they gathered materials for their nests to prepare for the arrival of their chicks. We felt the rain and the wind on our faces, and we felt the softness of the petals and prickliness of the thorny branches. Spending time immersed in nature is beneficial for our mental well-being, aswell as learning about our new topic. 
On our return to class we recorded our observations through pictures. We hope you enjoy our drawings.