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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Our Week in Reception and Primary One

20th May 2016

This week we are well under way in our new topic "Journeys". We have talked about how we feel on different journeys such as on our way to school, a trip to the dentist, a trip to the circus or how we feel on our way to visit friends and family. We have developed our understanding that we can feel different emotions on the same journey... We might be worried on our way to the dentist if we have to get a filling, but our friends might feel happy on the way to the dentist as they will get a sticker at the end of the visit.

To continue or "Journeys" topic we have started to read the story "The Train Ride" by June Crebbin. We explored repetitive sentences in the story, and experimented with different speaking speeds.. Just like the different speeds of the train on a journey. We investigated words from the text, focussing on word shapes and length, we questioned each other about the words on our train tickets.

We discussed sorting vehicles in a variety of ways, such as, vehicles that go on the road, in the air or in the sea. We sorted vehicles by wheels or no wheels. 

In PE we have started to develop our jumping skills. This week we practised how to get our bodies ready for jumping, knees bent, eyes forward, swinging arms and soft feet. Have a look at some of our videos, I think you will agree we are off to a great start!

In Religion we talked about giving thanks to God at Mass on Sunday's and recognised Sunday as the day we gather together to talk to God as a community. We learned a new word for the people in our community who pray together.. "Parish". We practiced good behaviour in Mass and some responses after bible stories "Thanks be to God". Have a listen to our song "When we go to Mass on Sunday". 

Have a peaceful weekend 😊