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Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Dungannon

Letter to Parents: Information regarding week beginning 24th August

10th Aug 2020

Dear Parents

I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer holidays. As you may be aware the Education Minister informed schools late on Thursday 6th August that:

‘strict social distancing requirements between all pupils will be relaxed from a specific distance to the best spacing that can be achieved but will remain in place between adults and as far as it is practicable between adults and pupils.’

Therefore, this statement allows all our pupils return to school into their daily protective class bubbles.

As announced previously by the Minister, P7s are to return to school on Monday 24th August.

We as a staff in Sacred Heart P.S. are fully aware that the return to school during these uncertain and constantly changing times maybe anxious and challenging for parents and pupils. Our priority is always the health and wellbeing of everyone within our school environment. We have therefore decided that we will have all pupils returning the week beginning 24th August, allowing us to trial the ‘New’ school day routines that are being implemented in line with the Department’s Restart Planning document.

Below is an outline of starting and finishing times for this week:

P7:           Monday 24th – Friday 28th - 8:40 am – 2:40 pm

Rec – P6: Monday 24th / Tuesday 25th / Wednesday 26th 8:40 am – 12:00 noon

Rec- P2   Thursday 27th and Friday 28th 8:40 am – 1:40 pm

P3 – P6     Thursday 27th and Friday 28th 8:40 am – 2:40 pm


More guidance related to this document is to be issued to schools by Thursday 13th August and I will inform you the week beginning 17th about what will be happening within our school.


It is our intention during the week of the 24th to focus on the pastoral care and health/wellbeing of our pupils as well as familiarising them with the new safety measures that are being introduced and supporting them in the readjustment to the school environment again due to the lengthy closure.

There will be no buses or dinners the week of the 24th August so pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch on the full days that they are in.

All pupils to bring a break this week. Remember we are a ‘nut free’ school.

There will be no after school facilities until further notice.


We are looking forward to the return of all our pupils so they can learn in a safe and welcoming environment. We once again thank you for all your hard work and support during the closure and we will keep you informed of what our plans are.

School will be closed on Monday 31st August – Bank Holiday

School re-open for all pupils on Tuesday 1st September.

Kind regards

Eunan McGinn