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Biodiversity Walk and Talk
Daimhin in P4's , Grandad Peter, gave our Biodiversity Team a tour of the different species of trees we have in our
school grounds. Grace, Mary-Kate and Monica's Granny Bridie also stayed to share her knowledge and interest for
this topic.
We were keen to hear the names of the wide variety we have - especially which ones were native like the birch
(an old Irish breed) and worldwide species such as the Austin Cypress from Scandanavia.
We learned that holly trees need female and male types located together in order to produce holly with red berries.
We found out lots of different names of trees and how to identify them.
Peter also showed us willows, conifers, hawthorns, birch, ash and holly within our grounds.
We spoke about what different animals and insects eat from the different trees and the shelter that is provided for
them. It proved to be a very enjoyable experience, much appreciation to Peter and Bridie.
Sacred Heart P.S, Rock, Tullydonnell Road, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3JE | Phone: 028 8775 8510